
Here is a reference and pronunciation guide for all the potentially unfamiliar words and concepts in Heart of Ember.

Amplicon – A drug that, when taken, can temporarily amply the user’s ability to wield magickal energy. There are two ways of producing the drug. It can be harvested from quartz crystals or by extracting magickal energy from humans voluntarily or by force. The quartz-derived variation is more powerful but burns out the user’s ability to wield magick over time. The stolen variety poses no threat to the user, but its effects are not as great.

The science behind the concept: In molecular biology, an amplicon is a piece of DNA or RNA that is the source and/or product of amplification or replication events. In this context, amplification refers to the production of one or more copies of a genetic fragment or target sequence, specifically the amplicon, as it refers to the product of an amplification reaction. 

Artomancy – This practice attempts to connect this world to the realm of the unknown. Magical figures, shamans, prophets, or artists created figurines, masks and paintings to bring dialogue between themselves and spiritual forces. These pieces illustrate their beliefs, which include ritualistic spells to foretell the future, increase crops, or influence fate.

-Bobleverden – Norwegian word meaning “Bubble World.” In this context, the bubble world traps sound within the sphere to create privacy.

-Confractio Anima – Latin words meaning wrenching soul. In the magickal world this is the basis for a spirit-shattering spell that allows for magickal thievery.

-Currency – In the magickal world, money can be coinage:

-Aeris –  Latin, copper.

-Argenti – Latin,  silver.

Aurum – Latin,  gold.

It can also be energy collected from crystals called compressed by a piezoelectrometer. Measured in Joules, the energy is stored under pressure in a vanadium battery, usually called a Vanadium for short. This currency represents a decentralized banking system, and is therefore, untraceable, unregulated, and non taxable.

-Disir-  pronounced “DEE-sir,” are female spirits often portrayed as female ancestors who protect a particular person, group, or location.

-Draíochta – (dre-oct-ta) plural Gaelic word magical powers.

-Furta Spiritus –  Latin words meaning thrift of the spirit, which is the second part of the magickal thrift spell.

-Geasa droma draíochta -Foclóir Gaeilge phrase – Inviolable magic spells, severe magical taboos; binding spells.

Lemurian Seed Crystals – Lemuria known as Mu or Lemuria was a peaceful highly-developed spiritual civilization according to the legend. Existing many millennia ago in the area of the South Pacific, now buried deep beneath the sea, the Lemurians are believed to have foreseen a cataclysmic event. They prepared the Lemurian Seed Crystal to preserve their knowledge and traditions.

-le Labyrinthe de Magie – Street fair located in the central district of cities of Atlaria.

-Ley Lines – A common trope in magical fiction representing invisible but deeply powerful straight lines imbued with electromagnetic energy, connecting important and sacred sites throughout the world. 

-Maleficium – to harm with witchcraft.

Mitochondrial DNA – DNA that metabolizes food into energy but also converts the magickal energy given off by the Ley Lines surrounding the Earth and amplified by the Crystal caves. This creates an ability for the person to wield magick.

The science behind the concept: Mitochondrial DNA are structures within cells that convert energy from food into a form that cells can use. Each cell contains hundreds to thousands of mitochondria which have a small amount of their own DNA. This DNA is passed on only through maternal lines.

Norn – The Norse goddesses of Fate live under the world tree Yggdrasill where they weave the destiny of humans. The three were named Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld, representing the past, present, and future. They are the ultimate prototype for the Norse witches, the Völva/Vǫlva (the predecessors of the Vala in this book), as they spin and weave. They are the strongest among the supernatural beings in the Norse pantheon of Gods and spirits.

-Oneiromancy- The interpretation of dreams in order to foretell the future.

-Onirique – Mystical realm were Ancestors and other Spirit beings dwell as well as plane of existence visited in the dreamtime where adept magick practitioners can spell cast.

-Pledge vows of Convenance – Get married.

Dougsim, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Piezoelectrometer – Piezoelectrometer – A device that applies pressure to crystals to create piezoelectricity. The device also acts as a conduit, transferring the acclimated energy to a storage device.

photo courtesy of Dougsim via Wikimedia Commons

Quantum entanglement – Einstein famously described by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance,” quantum entanglement explains how two subatomic particles can be linked to each other even if separated by vast distances. Despite their separation, a change induced in one will affect the other.

Seiðr – The pronunciation of Seiðr varies from country to country but is commonly pronounced as SAY-dr in English, was a Norse magical practice in the late Iron Age. It involved the telling and shaping of the future utilizing a wand or distaff and song to enable shamanic visions. Part of this practice involved contact with the Norse fates or Norn. The specifics of the practices are debated, as with many things from Norse mythology, conflicting facts have been presented as evidence of the practice. It’s speculated that the distaff was part of the practice of spinning yarn in addition to the weaving they performed. A practice also associated with the Norn, who spun and wove fate.

Both Freya and Odin were associated with the practice of Seiðr.

Photo courtesy of Eduard Ade, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

-Sgian dubh – (skee-an doo)  is a small, single-edged knife from Scotland. This all purpose knife was used for eating and preparing food, and for other day-to-day uses, and is now worn as a part of traditional Scottish dress. It is usually worn on the side of the dominant hand,  tucked into the top of the kilt hose with the upper portion of the hilt visible.

Vanadium devices – Batteries that can store large amounts of energy almost indefinitely without deterioration.
The science behind the concept: -Real-world applications of Vanadium offer potential long-term storage solutions for collected solar and wind power and other renewable energy resources in real life.

VoceInvocare – The Truthsayers ability to infuse their voice with the true conviction of truth.